Why am I serving the Lord?

Why am I serving the Lord?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

One Of The Greatest Weeks On My Mission - Up To This Point!

Hello again!  Another week down!

This week was AWESOME. One of the greatest weeks on my mission up to this point I think. We have just been really blessed with lots of miracles.   On Tuesday, we were able to go to the temple as a mission because of President Keyes leaving. It was the greatest blessing. In the center place of Zion, combined with 100+ servants of the Lord, standing in the Temple, it was a powerful experience. I am so grateful to have temples and have such a sacred on holy place available to us.
Sister Buckhave and I at Kansas City Temple

I got to see Sister Moody!  Love Mooders!!

The District and Zone Leaders at the Temple
The FAMOUS Elder Kaffi!
Garrett, a 17 year old the Elders have been teaching, was baptized on Saturday, it was beautiful. Cheryl and Joseph came to see what it was like so they know what to expect on the 7th!  She can't wait! We will be having 4 baptisms in June! Can you believe it?!

The Gardner Family!  Visitor Center in Independence Missouri. Cheryl will be baptized June 7th! (Cheryl is in the Orange Shirt)

MISSIONARY DREAM #1. Alright I am just going to skip to Sunday because it was a straight MIRACLE day guys! uh huh. So first off we had 5 investigators at church, Yeah! Larry called us after church as said, "Hey girls. you are angels from heaven. I just wanna say that when I left church today I had a feeling inside me thats so different that I cant describe it. It was good. I was a warm feeling inside a cold room. Ill be back next week - this is the church for me."

MISSIONARY DREAM #2. Abbey, Garrett's sister walks up to us at church and says, "Hey Sisters. I need to talk to you about baptism. When can you start teaching me?"   Yeah, I know! Incredible!   I don't know what we did to deserve the miracles but Heavenly Father blessed us this week. I hope you all have a great one, Happy Memorial Day! The church is true!

Here are some fun pictures of my week.  Can't describe the love I have for my dear friend Lisa!  She has grown so much and the gospel has brought her so much peace, happiness, and pure joy!  The power of repentance is real and our Heavenly Father loves each of us as his children!
My Dearest Lisa and I!
This is my Throne!  I am bringing this chair home with me from my Mission!
Silly Girls  Remember to Love and Laugh!

Love Always, Sister Flink

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sacred Experience - Blessing from Brother Johnson

While I was emailing you from the church in Cameron, Sister Buckhave and I just had a sacred experience. Brother Johnson came to the church to give Sister B a blessing.  After it was done,  he looked at me and said "Do you want one too?" I wasn't planning on it, but he grabbed my hand and had me sit down. He said that Heavenly Father wants me to receive this blessing, because he wants me to know some things.

As Brother Johnson laid his hands on my head,  I was overcome with the spirit.  He starting the blessing and he starting crying and said, "Heavenly Father loves you very much Dear Sister!"  I will tell you some of the things he said in the blessing:
"You were fore ordained to be here, this is your mission. You will finish your mission and return home safely, your family at home loves you and supports you. Your family that is beyond the veil is sweeping your path, especially those holding priesthood authority, they are with you. I bless you with health, physical especially. (and he said that 3 times throughout the blessing) You will be a faithful mother in Israel Sister Flink.  You will be married in the temple and will find a mate to take you there. Sister Flink, demons begin to scatter when you are around, do not ever forget that. One day you will have  a reunion with your Heavenly Father and hands laid on your head and you will be ordained a queen. Sister Flink, you were a valiant daughter in the pre mortal life, Heavenly Father knows your good heart, he knows your pure desires and your love to serve him. Your posterity will call you blessed and there will be many."
I needed this blessing today!
This is Lisa's little baby named Madeline!
Our Invisible Glasses!  Satan can't find us! 
Playing Nephites and Lamanites with Army men from the Dollar Store with the Martin Boys!

Our Testimony, Our Greatest Ally!‏

Hello All of the Ones Whom I Love!
No pictures this week!  I think I left my camera memory card at Wal-Mart!  It has so many photos and videos on there.  I am so bummed and stressed about it! 
Another week down here in good old Cameron. This week has looked up, tremendously!  They always do!
Well, we now have 4 people on date to be baptized. Cheryl - June 7th, and Lisa AND her son - June 14th! It was not easy getting any of them to this point, we really had to develop a relationship of love and trust. But as we were persistent, they committed and the desire began to grow, that's what heavenly father does for us. but it is our job to start.
This week I have really thought about my purpose here in this small town of Cameron. There is another set of missionaries here, and the work is slow. So it has taken me into deep thought of reasoning for being here. As I have prayed and pondered my mind has been enlightened and Heavenly Father has taught me, as he can all of us. I know that I am not necessarily here to baptize and find, although that is a big part, but for the less actives and part member families. Much of our work here has been reactivating families, individuals, and helping people regain that testimony in Jesus Christ as they once had. Loving and nuturing them through their broken lives and helping them grasp the Atonement of Jesus Christ to make them whole. Re-sparking people's testimony and reactivating their soul to the gospel is just as important as taking them into the waters of baptism. Our work is slow sometimes because it is a process with these people, they have to trust us, to know us, and THEN we can begin to help strengthen them and their loved ones. It is interesting how the lord works - as i see many events and challenges in my life have now prepared me to meet and help certain people here in Cameron. To love and help them.
Well friends and family, I love each of you dearly. I pray for you individually! I hope all is well, and the blessings are coming your way. Remember..
"Some blessings come now, Some come late, some don't come until Heaven. But for those that embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will come."
Those that are with us are greater than those who are against us!  I will see you soon!
Love, Sister Flink

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bad Weather, Rainy Days... But We Keep Bikin On!

Hello my wonderful family and friends!
How are you? I miss each of you individually.
It all about the skirts and helmets.  Doesn't get any better than this!
Well, another week down here in Cameron, Missouri. It's a rainy day today but very very green.   Its so beautiful!  This week has been HOT, and we have been on bikes, working hard.  Many of you would be proud.. riding in a skirt on a bike in 100 degree weather ain't easy. People laugh at us.. :( I tell them in my head that someday they will regret that.. hahaha. It has been a great week though! 
We had 3 investigators at church on Sunday - two of them are being baptized on June 7th! They committed this week. Salvation of many souls.. its beautiful! Also we had 3 less active families we saw this week come to church, none of them have been in years. I couldn't help but smile and hug my companion and say, "ya done good."   We did a little service - yard work this week!  It is always fun to serve others!
Doing some yard work with the Williams! Lots of flowers! 

Kaitlyn and Me! She's a crazy little girl

We were able to go down to the Liberty Jail this week, the power and reality of the prophet Joseph burned into my soul. My dad served here - he knows what I'm talking about. This ground here in Missouri is a sacred place, I am so honored to be here. Just like in the doctrine and covenants, section 58, that was the day Joseph Smith announced Independence Missouri as Zion. Can you believe I am preparing that ground for the second coming of the savior? We have an investigator named Tawny and she always says "I love ya'll. but I love Jesus, and Jesus ain't comin' back to Missouri. Ya'll are crazy Mormons, I do love you though." And I say, "Tawny, I love you too. But the day that happens.. because it will.. I cant wait to see you."
Us and Tawny at the liberty Jail with Sister Zinkand that took us. She's a wild one, hence the Peace Sign!
Well - I love you all. If there is anything I could ever leave you with it would be the truthfulness of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ here on the earth. We have it, we have all the things we need. It blesses our lives beyond measure, i would never be able to say that if I didn't know 100% with my whole heart and soul that it is true, and Jesus Christ lives. He is our savior. He has established his church back on the earth, and we must partake and see if it is not joyful and sweet. 
I want to introduce you to a few of my favorite people/families here in Cameron! 
Bishop Jameson's family!  Love them!

We had dinner at the Savannah Vanbrunt.  The Vanbrunt family basically my second home out here!  She reminds me of Alexi

Weston never wants you to forget that Jesus Loves You!
I love you all. Have a fantastic week.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Goodbye Sister Moody! Hello Sister Buckhave!

Farr West - A Consecrated and Holy Land
Soul Sister - My other missionary half!  My partner in crime!
Hello family loved ones!

Well, how do I start this email? I would be lying if I didn't tell you that
this week has definitely tested my faith out here. It has been the hardest
week on my mission this far. Sister Moody left and I am basically running
Cameron with a new companion, but I don't know anything about where to go,
how to get there, and obviously she doesn't either. Its the blind leading
the blind and its a really big struggle right now. Sister moody and I were
so close, its been hard. I now realize how lucky I was to have a companion

who was like my best friend - that doesn't happen very often. 
Transfer Monday~ Good-byes are always the toughtest!

Companion #2 - Sister Buckhave from AppleValley, CA
Sweet note from Sister Buckhave!  I am blessed~

Sister Buckhave is great. We have had some great stuff happen these past couple days, we are now without a car so we are walking and biking everywhere. the days get very long and exhausting. Lisa is doing great, she will be baptized on the 24th.  As of now we are just searching for some new investigators.

Heavenly father has given me the strength I have needed. I don't know what I would do without the atonement of Jesus Christ and the knowledge I have that in this life we never have to do it alone. and being a missionary will test you, and push you, but how great is this calling. I know that is true.

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you!

Sister Flink