Why am I serving the Lord?

Why am I serving the Lord?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

"We go forth enlisted in Helaman's Army!"

To All the People I love!

It is not exactly in the rules to be writing you tonight, but it is my final night here in the MTC.  I am up way too late, but I really wanted to put in a letter in the morning before I leave.  Your letters mean so much to me.  I hope you truly understand.  I am so blessed to have the family that I do.  Thank you so much, I pray for you every night individually.  I am so happy and it is because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Never in my life have I had a reality so strong of my redeemer and the fact of his suffering.  Family, he loves you!  The tomb is empty, he is risen and he know each and everyone of us.  If I have learned anything of such great importance, everyday I strive to learn the true character of Christ, because I am his representative.  I take upon his name, thinking.. What would Christ do in this very moment,
"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." 
My dear family, may we never forget the one who suffered for us.  The one who is waiting to hear from us.  There is not a human problem that is above his capacity to solve.  I love you!

I am off to Missouri and I don't know if I can ever say I am ready, but I am willing and my heart is full for this gospel.  I am concerned with a higher destination for me and the people the Lord is preparing for me!  I have received a call from the Lord and truly, in this moment, what else matters?  As it says in Moroni 7, "I am God's angel to minister unto the children of men" and also to those back home!  My mission is not just in Missouri and not just for 18 months either!  It maybe a while until you hear from me, but Keep On Keepin On!  We are so blessed!

I'll talk to you soon- tomorrow at the Airport! 

Always ~  Sister Flink


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